Friday, May 28, 2010

May 28th

Rain, rain, rain... It has been raining all week and looks to rain all next week too. This has its benefits as I haven't had to water my garden for about a week and a half. The drawback is that everything is soggy and it isn't much fun to play outside in all the wet. My clay soil really doesn't help draining the water away. Ahh well.

We did get some more plants today. Mostly flowers. We are trying to perk up the side of the house toward the road. People drive past it all the time and it has been very dull. Speaking of that side of the house... The currant bush I put in last year is going great guns this year. I'm going to have a small bumper crop of currants. My raspberries on the other side of the house are doing well too. The blueberries, not so much. I'm not sure what the problem there is. Maybe they don't like the drainage or something. Who knows?

Oh, we whacked our rose bush this year. It won't be pretty this year at all, but will hopefully come back nice and strong next year.

Off to hang out with my husband for the evening...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Katrina,
    It looks like you've had the rain, too. It is getting old isn't it? Blueberries...did you try to make the soil acid for them? They really do like that best.
