Sunday, March 27, 2011


I got the preliminary tilling done last week. The day before it snowed. Gotta love crazy spring weather. I got a few seeds into the cold frame. Yesterday I saw that a few were starting to poke above ground. I did plant some garlic the other day too. We'll see how spring planted garlic does. I see that I have some other garlic coming up as well. I'm putting grapes in this year. They are ordered, but I don't think they've shipped yet. I'm also hoping to put a real fence around the garden this year. Once that is up then I want to put a few perennial plants and flowers in as a border. Tom has issues with my lack of order when it comes to the garden. :) Maybe if there is a nice border and fence it won't matter so much what chaos is hiding inside. I'm itching to get my peas and lettuce planted, but I keep making myself wait a little bit. Besides I still need to get some Romain lettuce seeds. Tracy introduced us to homemade Caesar dressing and got us hooked. So, now Tom makes the dressing and decided he wants me to grow the lettuce. Works for me. What else? Onions, peas, lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, radishes, and I might try some turnips, parsnips, and whatnot. I'm not sure though. Oh, basil, parsley, cilantro, sage, fennel, and mint. I might even try some celery this year. I do hope this year's tomatoes do better than last year. I got almost no sauce or salsa to put up this last summer. We might have one more jar of sauce. We've been pretty stingy with using it too. Off to get things done around here...

Friday, March 4, 2011

Seeds are started

Well, I got a few seeds in. A couple of tomato varieties and some sweet basil. They are all up too. Now, if I can keep seeds alive on top of taking care of the kids, the dog, and going back to work. Someday the snow will melt and we'll dry out enough to till the garden. Until then I'll just have to sit tight.