Sunday, October 11, 2009


Let's see...I haven't been very good about keeping this up. I'm trying to remember when our actual first frost date was. I'm thinking about the 25th of Sept. for frost and then we froze solid about the 5th of Oct. Woke up to and inch and a half of snow on the 9th and it has stayed either below or very close to freezing all weekend. Garden is all done. I missed getting my garlic, daffodils, and tulips in though. I'll have to see if we get a bit of a warm up I'll get the flowers in at least. I might even be able to work the garlic in if I do the south facing bed. We'll see.

I had a bumper crop of tomatoes. My squash didn't do so hot, my peppers finally started producing well about a week before they froze, my broccoli, cauliflower, and spinach bolted, my beans froze, my peas did well, as did my potatoes, cabbage, lettuce, and onion. Things grew but just didn't do as well as they maybe should have. My brussels sprouts were just really getting going when the snow hit. They still might be okay, but I haven't had the gumption to go check. I'm ready for winter as far as the garden goes. I'll be ready for the snow to go away I'm sure come Feb. but for now I'm ready to put the garden to bed for a few months.