Saturday, May 14, 2011

Way behind

This will be fast. My garden is basically in. I have a ton of onions this year. I have about a 4 foot by 8 foot bed of them plus another probably 8 foot row of onions. I went a little crazy. I have tomatoes that aren't in yet, the peas are up, and I haven't been able to sort the lettuce, leeks, carrots, or radishes from the weeds yet. Soon I will plant the tomatoes, some broccoli, zucchini, and maybe that is it. Oh! And cucumbers if I can get some plants. I really want to make pickles but I haven't managed to get cucumbers to grow.

Also, I've started another gardening blog. The other one is a lot more formal and a bit more in the realm of a self-help type. At least I hope I can help someone out. I've always found that a lot of the information out there is a bit overwhelming and always seems like a person can never get it right. I'm hoping to change that. Anyway, if anyone is interested it is

Off to bed so maybe I can get the zucchini planted tomorrow.