Sunday, March 1, 2009


Well, other than the fact that we now have about 6 inches of snow on the ground things are progressing quite well. All but my rosemary and basil are up. I need to get more big pots to transplant into because I'm out. Everything is growing like crazy.

A friend and I put in a plant and seed order last week. I ordered some flowers, but mostly edibles. I'm putting rasberries as a bramble hedge. We have strawberries, horseradish, and a currant coming. There is a variety of lilac that is supposed to bloom throughout the summer. Then there are the Bird of Paradise, Zinnias, Russian Sage, and a couple other types of flower seeds coming. Also, I'm getting my tomatillo seeds.

Lots of people think I'm crazy with all these seeds and plants. I don't think that most people I talk to realize they aren't all going in one garden. I have several areas planned out in our yard. All according to the light and the moisture. Yes, I will have my main veggie garden, but then I also plan on using things like the currant and rasberries as landscaping hedges. My strawberries are going along the south side of the house. We don't walk there much and it gets great sunlight.

In addition to all this we are going to put in our fence this summer. Then it will be time to figure out whether or not I can have something like chickens or guineas to help control the bugs. We have a crazy number of hobo spiders here. I'd like something that will eat the spiders and make them move out to boot. I'm tired of the things coming in my house and I can't really afford to have an exterminator come out here. I think a couple of chickens just might do the trick. I like to think I'd move out if chickens moved into my neighborhood and I was a spider.

Now that it is March I'm going to have to get cracking on my planting. The main things that I'm going to start inside that are left are: Brussels Sprouts, tomatillos, peas, beans, my herbs, beets, and I'm forgetting others I know. Bear is ready for some play time since he's up from his nap.

1 comment:

  1. Katrina, I thought of something you might try for that spring planted garlic. Separate the cloves from the bulb and put the biggest cloves in the refrigerator now. This will mimic winter chilling for them and might give you a better chance of having them make cloved bulbs like they are supposed to.
