Friday, February 28, 2014

A Feeling of Spring

Sometimes.  Not today.  We are supposed to get more snow tonight and tomorrow.  I'm okay with that.  The ground needs it.  I'll take every little bit of moisture Mother Nature wants to hand over.

We have had some good almost-Spring-like days though.  Not too long back I was raking the yard in a t-shirt.  As of today I have a couple inches of the white stuff on the ground.  I need to get my onions and celery started this week.  I'm a bit behind on seed-starting.  I'll get there but I don't have a ton of motivation.

I'm not sure exactly what has happened to my motivation.  With my yarn business getting going and all I just seem to have lost some drive.  I'm hoping as the days continue to grow longer and more of that lovely sunshine happiness comes in my motivation will return.  I'm figuring out that I think I need my winter to be quieter and my summers to be spent out and about.  I'm thinking I won't be doing our winter farmer's market next year.  We'll see how I feel at the end of the summer season and then I'll decide.

As I'm mulling over the market season I'm realizing I'll need to be starting some herb seeds here shortly as well.  Uh-oh.  I'm not on top of this so far. I'd better use today for some good planning and list making and then go get some seed starting dirt.  A little less than a month and it will be officially Spring.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Weather Reports

The weather news, Facebook, and any other place the weather report shows up has been driving me crazy.  It is Winter people!  It is supposed to be cold and snowy.  Spring doesn't even think about arriving until mid-March.  In all reality we just started on the journey called Winter.  All the hoopla about how cold it is and how much snow we are getting is a little over-blown.  Now, power being out or people getting something like 3 feet plus in snow in a day or so I see as news worthy weather.  But, come on.  It is supposed to be cold this time of year in the Northern hemisphere.  Personally that is part of what I like about it up here.

This time of year is one for being inside.  Working on inside repair projects, needlework, reading, watching movies, planning the garden, and lots of other things.  Summer is for the hectic outdoor season.  I don't know about anyone else, but by the time Summer is over I am ready for a break.  I am usually ready for Spring and Summer too by the time Winter is done but I really enjoy Winter.  Besides, most people really don't have Winter for all that long.  A few months of some yucky weather that isn't great for driving. 

I must say a few months isn't too bad.  Where I grew up Winter was more like a nine month affair.  Snow on the ground from October to the end of May usually.  Gardens consist of peas, potatoes, and carrots unless you have a heated greenhouse.  My mom gave up on the garden after she had her peas, potatoes, and carrots freeze in about July.  There were years that there was at least a small snow storm on the Valley floor every month of the year. 

Growing up like that means that in all reality I love Winter.  Skiing, sledding, walking through the snow, playing in the snow, looking at the snow, and all manners of winter sports.  I kind of miss having more Winter to be honest.  Now, there is hardly a reason to own cross-country skis let alone anything like a snowmobile.  I do love skiing.  We would ski in to get our Christmas tree.  We would go snowmobiling on the weekends.  Christmas day we would go skijoring (skiing while being towed) behind the horses.  We were all pretty happy about Winter.

Now it seems all people do is grumble about it.  Too bad.  I think I'm going to go enjoy some snow and Winter weather now.