First two cabbage heads of the season.
Tomatoes everywhere!
The garden getting a much needed drink. The tall plants just under the spray are my tomatoes and the bushier plants in the forground of the garden are my cabbages.
I'm a little behind on this but summer has been busy. My garden has been going nuts. I'm harvesting peas almost every day. Pulled red potatoes for 4th of July potato salad and I pulled up a bunch of Russet Burbanks tonight. The green cabbage are maturing quickly as well. We have gotten lots of onions, some broccoli (even though most bolted with our hot weather), lots of lettuce, some strawberries, and we are going to have LOTS of tomatoes. I have about 18 plants and they are producing like crazy. I'll be busy canning/making salsa later in the year.
Other than that about all the news is that I am having a tough time keeping up with the weeds. I don't have a huge bug problem. Some slugs and some ants. So long as you don't mind a few holes in the leaves it isn't a big deal. I ended up growing a bunch more Russets than I had intended. I dumped my seed potatoes into the compost pile without thinking. So I have lots of potatoes there. Works for me. It is the no work way of planting potatoes I guess.
Off to bed after an evening of weeding, harvesting, and storing...